REALM meditation & Flow Retreat.






Former Freeride World Tour competitors, Colin Boyd & Sasha Dingle invite you to attend REALM: A Meditation & Flow Retreat. Forged by and for outdoor athletes, this three day retreat takes place just in time for a fall reset. As one of our participants, you will help to champion a paradigm shift by making mental strength training just as important as training our bodies. We believe the benefits of meditation and flow training ripple far beyond yourself by positively impacting our community’s health and our natural world.

Date: TBA

Location: Fortland, Casco Bay of Portland, Maine

Price: TBA (onsite Camping to Room w/ Private Bath options)

*We encourage brands to invest in their athlete by paying the registration fee. Additionally we have sponsorship opportunities for the event and our Sponsorship Guide can be shared after the intake call.

**Due to Retreat size, spaces are strictly limited.

You’ll leave with:

  • Performance routines + protocols to optimize flow in sport and life

  • Meditation immersion + knowledge to select meditations for specific applications

  • Renewal from active recovery + ongoing plan to offset the neurochemical depletion of flow

  • A deeper connection to the outdoors + renewed meaning for your sport and life

  • Rich connection to a community of athletes who want more out of sport

This retreat includes:

  • 3 days of flow nutrition breakfast and lunch

  • Friday + Saturday community dinner

  • Onsite retreat lodging

  • Individual strategy session pre-retreat

  • Group coaching + facilitated reflection

  • Modifications and personalized meditation training throughout retreat

Forged By & For Outdoor Athletes

  • Why Flow

    Flow is an optimal state of consciousness where you feel and perform at your best. As an athlete, you’ve accessed this state. You understand the embodied feeling when actions and awareness merge, you’re absorbed in what you’re doing and feel at one with your environment. Flow is in fact trainable; amplifying flow both enhances performance and increases wellbeing as “micro-flow” in daily life. We will break down the triggers, cycle and blockers to drive you into flow with greater consistency and depth.

  • Why Mindfulness

    Meditation is similar to the word “sport” in that it describes a variety of exercises with different training outcomes. Mindfulness is a specific type of meditation that builds the brain areas related to focus, self-awareness, resilience, and empathy. It primes for flow, and trains at the level of the nervous system – empowering you to participate in your own health, while healing beyond a verbal level in the face of loss, accidents, injury, illness or challenge.

  • Why Active Recovery

    When peak performers burn out, it’s not because of a lack of talent or willpower. Often what’s missing are sustainable active recovery protocols. Active recovery allows for a dopamine detox, replenishing the neurochemicals that flow depletes. We will implement structured protocols into daily, weekly, monthly and annual calendars to ensure the body and mind strengthen under the load instead of burning out or overtraining. You can operate at your peak for sustained periods of time by elevating the recovery process to be just as important as the flow state itself.

  • Why Community

    Mindfulness and flow state are inherent capacities as humans. By amplifying these skills of mind in community, we see how the conditioned habits that challenge us may be quite universal and shared. Viewing our athlete life as connected to and benefiting something larger than ourselves can enhance meaning and drive to encourage us for the long haul. REALM outdoor athletes play a valuable leadership role in society. We embody a way of living that explores the limits of our minds and bodies and is deeply connected to the natural world – timely lessons for our society today. By connecting with a cross-pollinating group across the outdoor industry, we build a resilient network of other athletes who are also channeling their sport into living fully and intentionally.

The Paradigm Shift: A Journey from Mountain to Mind

Skier turned meditation teacher, Sasha Dingle, and snowboarder turned performance coach, Colin Boyd met on a road trip to Taos on their way to qualifying for the Freeride World Tour. Originally from Vermont & Maine, they lived their dream of competing with the best in the world all over Europe and North America.

Within a year of disqualifying from the tour, Colin had turned a 180, with one child, a wife, a 9-5, and mortgage payments on a home far from the mountains. After a couple years of living someone else’s American Dream, Colin embarked on a journey with his family searching for the source code of flow - the feeling he embodied while snowboarding.

Over that same timeframe, Sasha deepened her meditation practice, logging hours on retreat, becoming an MBSR teacher and launching Mountain Mind Project, training others in the power of mindfulness. She is now reaching back to her Asian roots to translate a psychology that views relationship to self, others, and the natural world as the basis of mental health.

Together they are building mental fitness programs that cultivate flow and mindfulness, and ultimately a relationship with the outdoors that goes beyond transient altered states to enduring mental traits for healthy people and environment.

What People SAY About training with us

  • “I’m going home with more understanding of myself, my own purpose and how to show up fully as a new husband inside of my marriage. The tools we were given and exercises we went through together gave me a clear sense of how to apply and integrate these tools into my life.”

  • “(Sasha) is helping me put energy where I want and need it. She listens and hears me, will even call me out on the bullshit when needed. As an athlete she has helped me push the boundaries of discomfort to be better with mountain biking and running.”

  • “ I showed up recently divorced, with three kids and having recently sold my business. To be honest, I was struggling, lost, searching for answers or a path towards where my next mission in life should be and I couldn’t have been happier with the experience. The way in which the materials were presented opened my eyes to cement my idea of what I don’t want to be and foster who I seek to become."